St Day Methodist Church
Our mission statement
St Day Methodist Church exists to:
Respond to the Good News of God’s love through contemporary worship, providing relevant opportunities to explore faith and by being a “good neighbour” in our community.
Some information about us
We meet for worship on Sunday mornings and midweek, on Tuesday. We are engaged in various local community events, some of which are organised by ourselves and some by others.
We try to vary the styles of our Sunday Services, some of which are traditional but others are more contemporary. These are led by a Local Preacher or a Minister and will sometimes involve sharing in Holy Communion. We don’t currently have a Sunday School or Junior Church group, but children and young people are always welcome.
We hold a weekly bible-study group and a monthly coffee morning (which might include bacon butties, soup or cream tea/cakes).
The chapel building dates from 1913 and is located on the northern edge of the village. The property benefits from flexible seating which makes it suitable for many uses. At the rear we have a large schoolroom, kitchen and toilet facilities. All areas are fully accessible.
The schoolroom has varied users and is available for hire - booking should be made through Keith Goldsworthy 01209 821520.
Please contact the Minister regarding weddings, funerals and baptisms.
Regular activities
- Sunday Service 10.30am
- Mid-week Fellowship on first & third Tuesdays 2.30pm
- Bible Study, Wednesdays 7.00pm - 8.00pm
- Coffee Morning, first Saturday of the month, from 10.30am