Lanner Methodist Community Church

Church Row, Lanner.  TR16 6ET.

Our mission statement

Lanner Methodist Church exists to welcome, and to be known for its welcome to all. Our aim is to journey with God and to share His love within our church and the community we serve. 

We are a friendly and welcoming congregation, we meet for worship on Sundays at 10.30am. Our Sunday service is quite traditional in style, with occasional informal services such as café-worship. Services are usually led by a Minister, Pastor or Local Preacher. We worship in the Methodist Schoolroom, as the old chapel building is now in private ownership. The schoolroom is also used by several local groups, and is available for hire.

We work alongside our Anglican friends at Christchurch, including sharing worship on Remembrance Sunday and other special events. We are proud of our Methodist presence in the village and are involved in various community events, including the annual Lanner Show.

Please contact the Minister regarding weddings, funerals and baptisms, or any further information you may need.

Regular services, groups and events

(Please see the chapel noticeboard for further details)

ü Sunday service, 10.30am, followed by tea and coffee.

ü Wives’ Group, alternate Tuesdays, 7pm (April to October) or alternate Mondays 2.30pm (November to March).

ü Coffee, Craft and Chat, on the last Tuesday of the month, 7.30pm.

ü Bible study and fellowship group, Wednesdays, 6.30pm (please contact Paul Langford 01209 213146 for details, as this is not held at the chapel).

ü Midweek Communion, Thursday, 10.30am, as advertised.

Occasional events – as published on the chapel noticeboard.

ü Seasonal services – e.g. Harvest, Remembrance, Advent and Christmas, Lent and Easter, Pentecost.

ü Special events – e.g. coffee mornings, fundraisers, choir concerts.

ü Weddings, baptisms, and funerals – please contact the church minister.


Sunday Service: every week at 10.30am



Wives Group: meets fortnightly
Bible Study: meets fortnightly
Craft group meets on the last Tuesday of each month (7 – 9pm).
For further details of the above and other activities please see Plan, Calendar or Church Contact.


Minister: Rev'd Jonathan Froggatt
01326 531238
Church Contact: Mrs Hilary Thomas
01209 822440
Hall hire enquiries: Nicholas Parsons
01209 314810
(or if above not available: Paul Langford
01209 213146)